WALK-IN- INTERVIEW FOR BOAT APPRENTICESHIP TRAINEES| (New)Tender Notification for Providing Cafeteria | ROLLING ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF PROJECT ASSISTANT AND JRF UNDER C2S PROJECT | Placement - Live update - 9 students got Amazon internship offer for INR 1,10,000 per month | Placement status 2024 | Anti Ragging Awareness | Annexure-I-UGC-Regulations-Curbing-Menace-of-Ragging |


To achieve "World Class Excellence in Information and Communication Technology".


  • To impart Information Technology education to students and future leaders.
  • To establish Center of Excellences in Information Technology.
  • To engage in cutting edge technology research to meet the current needs and future challenges of India and the world at large.


Virtual Tour of IIITT

Video Virtual Tour of IIITT